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A Hora do Planeta – Sustentabilidade e cosmética vegan - Mykanto

Earth Hour – Sustainability and vegan cosmetics

Earth Hour is a global movement that aims to raise people's awareness about the importance of sustainability and care for the environment. For one hour, millions of people around the world turn off their lights as a symbol of commitment to protecting the Planet.

Vegan products from cruelty-free cosmetic brands not only promote animal welfare, but also help reduce the negative environmental impact of the food and consumer products industry. By choosing vegan products, we are contributing to the preservation of natural resources, the reduction of pollution and the mitigation of climate change.

Furthermore, products from vegan cosmetic brands are often made with natural and organic ingredients, which are more beneficial for our health and the planet as a whole. They also encourage a more ethical approach to consumption, promoting a more conscious and sustainable lifestyle.

That said, how about trying different products from vegan and cruelty-free cosmetic brands, which are great for you and the Planet? Discover them at Mykanto.

Image Source: Freepik

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